
Infection Prevention and Control

Certification Test

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Q1 - Wearing regular clothing articles in a healthcare setting counts as ‘Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)’ as long as it is clean.

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Q2 - The aseptic non-touch technique is a method of?

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Q3 - There are THREE key components that bacteria need in order to survive and multiply. These are: food, optimum temperature and…?

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Q4 - You can reuse the same plastic apron multiple times

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Q5 - ‘Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)’ acts as a barrier between healthcare staff and patients. When used correctly, it can prevent micro-organisms from spreading.

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Q6 - Alcohol gel is a cleaning agent and can be used as a soap substitute.

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Q7 - Sharps containers should be disposed of in clinical waste bags.

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Q8 - Who is responsible for ‘Infection Prevention and Control’ in a healthcare setting?

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Q9 - It is better to begin treating wounds without washing your hands, if necessary, to save time and help the patient quicker.

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Q10 - Which of the following is NOT a type of micro-organism we’ve discussed?

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Q11 - Hepatitis B, HIV, and the common cold are what type of micro-organism?

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Q12 - As a healthcare worker, you are at risk of contracting HCAIs if you don’t follow the correct procedures. What is a HCAI?

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Q13 - After a bacterial host cell creates a copy of itself, it dies.

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Q14 - Which of the following is NOT one of the 10 elements of SICPs?

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Q15 - How many steps are there in the process of achieving effective hand hygiene?

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