
Safeguarding Children Level 3

Certification Test

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Q1 - Which act states that the priority is the child’s wellbeing?

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Q2 - Which of the following is one of the discussed forms of abuse?

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Q3 - Which of the following is a sign of child trafficking?

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Q4 - A child should no longer be under a child protection plan if it is judged that the child is no longer continuing to, or is unlikely to, suffer significant harm and therefore no longer requires safeguarding by means of a child protection plan.

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Q5 - Grooming is defined as?

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Q6 - A child protection conference’s goal is to?

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Q7 - LSCB stands for Local Safeguarding Children Board

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Q8 - The core group should meet within how long after an initial child protection conference?

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Q9 - The aim of the child protection plan is to?

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Q10 - Safeguarding Children protocols and legislation are applicable to those up to the age of 16 years and under.

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