
Information & Governance including Cyber Security

Certification Test

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Q1 - Any breach of personal data is urgent and should be reported to the ICO how soon?

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Q2 - How many Caldicott principles are there?

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Q3 - Which of the following statements are correct? It is your responsibility to…

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Q4 - How many principles each do ‘GDPR’ and ‘The Data Protection Act 1998’ enforce?

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Q5 - SAR Stands for?

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Q6 - It is appropriate to share passwords with other authorised healthcare professionals.

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Q7 - It is acceptable to remain logged on to a patient’s electronic record to enable other health professionals to have access to the patient’s data.

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Q8 - All individuals within an organisation have a right to access personal data.

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Q9 - Which of the following must remain confidential?

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Q10 - What action is required when you have received a suspicious email?

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