
Safeguarding Adults Level 3

Certification Test

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Q1 - Which of the following was NOT a mentioned act in this course?

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Q2 - Which act provides a framework for those incapable of making decisions for themselves?

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Q3 - There are five key principles in the ‘safeguarding of adults’

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Q4 - Which of the following is NOT one of these principles?

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Q5 - Depending on level of risk, how many prioritisation levels are there in adult safeguarding?

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Q6 - What is the optimal time frame for taking action in the decision process of safeguarding?

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Q7 - The definition of safeguarding is?

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Q8 - Which of the following is NOT a standard procedure for safeguarding assessment strategies?

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Q9 - What is the recommended time frame for creating a safeguarding plan after an individual is decided to be vulnerable?

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