
Basic Life Support

Certification Test

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Q1 - You find a person collapsed, what is the first thing you should do?

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Q2 - For adult CPR, what is the correct ratio of chest compressions to breaths?

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Q3 - For children, how many breaths do you give at the start of CPR?

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Q4 - For children, what is the correct ratio of chest compression to breaths?

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Q5 - 5. How quickly should chest compressions be done?

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Q6 - Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)

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Q7 - In child who is choking, you can not see the obstruction. Should put your finger in to try to dislodge the item.

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Q8 - In adult choking, what is the ratio of back blows to abdominal thrusts:

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Q9 - In anaphylaxis, how long should you press the pen against the body?

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Q10 - After giving adrenaline for anaphylaxis the person improves, which is correct?

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