
Basic first aid

Certification Test

To obtain your certificate, you are required to score 80% or higher. However, you can retake the exam as many times as you need to. Good Luck!

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Q1 - Which of the following should the employer possess in consideration of workplace risk assessment

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Q2 - What information is recorded in a First Aid Accident Report Book?

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Q3 - What does RIDDOR stand for?

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Q4 - .Can a first aider administer medication?

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Q5 - There is no need for training to use a Public Access Defibrillator (PAD).

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Q6 - What does the “B” stand for in the “ABC’s” neumic to identify any causalities?

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Q7 - How far should you press down when giving CPR to infants?

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Q8 - What is a symptom of shock?

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Q9 - What does the "P" in the AVPU scale stand for?

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Q10 - Every head injury does NOT need to be considered potentially severe.

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