
Health and Safety in the Workplace

Certification Test

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Q1 - The duties of an employer does NOT includes “staff training to guarantee competence.”

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Q2 - Risk evaluation is a responsibility shared by…

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Q3 - An Example of a soaking agent includes…

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Q4 - What is the most common type of accident that occurs at a workplace?

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Q5 - Which of the following components are necessary for igniting a fire?

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Q6 - Water extinguishers should be used for Class C Fires.

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Q7 - Foam extinguisher should not be used on Class B or C fires since they are exclusively for class A fires

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Q8 - What are the primary goals of first aid?

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Q9 - When is administering medication allowed during first aid?

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Q10 - If a product is harmful or hazardous for supply, sellers of chemicals are required by law to furnish a current safety data sheet.

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