
Paediatric First Aid

Certification Test

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Q1 - What is the first step you should take when responding to a child who is choking?

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Q2 - Which type of burn affects all layers of the skin and may result in charred skin and nerve damage?

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Q3 - What is the recommended method to control bleeding from a wound?

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Q4 - A child falls and hits their head, and you suspect a possible concussion. What should you do?

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Q5 - What is the primary purpose of the PRICE method in treating sprains and strains?

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Q6 - Which of the following is a symptom of anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction?

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Q7 - What is the immediate action to take when you suspect a child has been exposed to an electric shock?

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Q8 - When should you initiate CPR for a child who is unresponsive and not breathing?

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Q9 - How should you handle a suspected fracture in a child's arm?

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Q10 - What is the recommended first aid response for a puncture wound?

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